Tree Pruning

Mature Tree Trimming

Mature trees are pruned differently than their younger variety. They must be trimmed so that dead branches are removed to allow for new growth. This also keeps the tree healthy by removing any branches that are diseased. This pruning type is referred to as cleaning. Certain types of trees such as citrus, mulberry, & pines require specific pruning in certain seasons to allow for proper growth.

Removing and thinning both live and dead branches prior to heavy storms will help to keep trees standing through the season. If routine pruning isn’t completed the trees become too top heavy and result in storm damage to the tree. When a tree branch brakes away as part of the natural process of pruning it’s not an issue, when it happens across your drive way, it is an issue. Preventative pruning not only promotes healthy growth it also serves as a safety measure for eliminating fallen limbs and branches.

This is particularly important given the severe monsoon storms that sweep through the valley during the months of July through September. Trimming the tops of the trees prior to monsoon season helps keep branches from breaking in high winds. This process is what an Arborist refers to as “thinning the crown.” Our Arborists have the skill set and experience to evaluate whether thinning the crown is the proper procedure to perform. Just as critical, they will know what specific branches to remove and which to keep.

At times the crown and longer branches on the tree need to be cut back to ensure their length does not exceed in weight that the branch can handle. Taking lower branches off the tree is a term called “raising”. This allows for more sunlight underneath the tree.

Young Pruning

Yes, even young trees need to be maintained. Pruning young trees allows them to grow healthy. In their natural setting taller trees out muscle the smaller ones by towering over them and fighting for sunlight. This fight for survival in the forest environment allows for smaller trees to grow in ways that stand alone trees planted in urban settings won’t achieve without human intervention. Branches that are removed allow the young tree to grow straight and avoid the accumulation of branches in one area causing the tree to be lopsided or heavy. Routine trimming and pruning of young trees allows them healthy as they mature by allowing proper spacing of branches.

Here at Design Tree we have arborists that are trained and certified to evaluate your trees. Every type of tree species is different and every homeowner has their own unique goals. We take the time to create custom plans for your trees to ensure the highest quality of maintenance is performed.

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