Is There a Penalty for Tree Removal Without a Permit in Phoenix?

Today is the day. You have had it with a particular tree in your yard. It’s going down.

Your next thoughts include you holding a chainsaw, cutting the tree, and feeling very rewarded for completing such a big task.

But first, you want to know if you are allowed to do this. Are there permits you need to request or paperwork to complete?

Permit Requirements in Phoenix

There are a few essential things to remember when discussing Phoenix area tree removal. The first, if your tree is above ten feet high, is near power lines, street crossings, or in any way could pose as a danger to public property, cars, or people passing by, the city can remove your tree without your permission, even if it is on your property.

They will typically give you a chance to remove it first. On the other hand, if you want to remove a tree, even if it is not posing a problem, you can.

Currently, if you own the property, you can cut down any tree or trees on that property without a permit. Never forget that the tree must be your tree. So, if your neighbor’s tree is large and its branches are hanging over into your yard, you are allowed to remove the branches on your property only. And, your neighbor legally does not have to help you financially or physically.

Like anything, just because you can do something doesn’t always mean you should do it, especially all by yourself.

Working with a Phoenix-area tree removal specialist is always preferred, even if you are handy with tools and are an avid DIYer. A local arborist will know things like which trees you are allowed to cut down and which you aren’t. For instance, there may be native palm trees your county would like to preserve. In some cases moving rather than removing a tree is a better solution.

Tree removers know how to remove a dead tree versus a live tree.

Professionals can cut down your tree in the safest way possible. Safety can help you avoid damage to you, another person, your home, your neighbor’s home, power lines, and more.

Tree Removal Accidents

Even the most prepared homeowners can get hurt while removing a tree on their property. The Center for Disease Control reports being struck during the removal of a tree is a common event. DIY tree removers do an excellent job of avoiding falling trees, but they don’t always get out of the direction of the branches and limbs that are attached to the tree or that break on the way down, striking and harming the tree feller.

Another accident seen among homeowners turned tree removers happens when trying to access the tree. Some will climb onto the roof of their home without a harness. Some will lift themselves in the bucket of a tractor. Some will climb unstable ladders. Falls from these locations create dangerous settings for accidents.

Electrocution can happen if you are near power lines, cuts and amputations can occur if your equipment malfunctions or if you misuse the equipment. Then there are the minor incidents that can become major, like awakening a swarm of bees living inside the tree, receiving poison ivy or poison oak attached to the tree, or being bitten by an animal living in the tree.

You can avoid all these scenarios by merely calling a local arborist for help.

What a Tree Removal Professional Can Do

Hiring a tree company in Phoenix to remove the tree on your property can save you money. They already have the safety and removal equipment needed that you would need to buy to complete the job. They have the chainsaws, hacksaws, harnesses, lifts, clothing, eyewear, body protectors, helmets, and all other materials.

They can use their extensive years of training to determine the right removal method for the size of the tree. They can also decide the best direction to fell the tree so it avoids causing damage to anything in the area, including people.

They are licensed and bonded, which can help if you are making insurance claims and want to receive reimbursement of your costs from your homeowner’s insurance. You have a professional estimate for which to base your claim.

Let your first step in removing a tree on your property be to call for help from a tree removal specialist in your Phoenix area.

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