Is It Okay to Remove Trees Close to The House?

You look out the window, there it is. You walk outside, there it is. It’s that tree you hate, getting in the way of everything.

Just looking at the tree reminds you of cleaning its leaves out of your gutters, anxiety when there are strong winds, and the crack in your sidewalk from its roots.

On top of that, the tree is growing near a portion of the property that belongs to the city of Phoenix. If the tree causes damage there, you’re in big trouble.

You’ve decided it’s time; the tree is coming down. That is if it’s okay to remove trees close to the house.

Wait! What?

You’re probably thinking, it’s your property, your tree, your decision. And you are right. But just because it’s legal for you to remove a tree doesn’t mean you should, without the help of a Phoenix arborist anyway. And here’s why:

Roots the Same Size as Your Home

Big trees have big roots. And big roots grow in all directions, including underneath your home. Just like large tree roots can cause foundation problems when they are on top of the ground, they can do so underground too.

If you remove a tree and its roots, this can cause the soil to fluctuate. This is the same soil on which your house is resting. Meaning, if the soil moves, your foundation may also move, causing severe damage to your home.

Trees Can Be Tricky Fallers

You may be an expert tree feller. You may be the DIY landscape king. If so, then you know trees tend to have a mind of their own when being removed. When you think you have it cut and wedged to fall in a safe direction, a big wind shows up out of nowhere and changes its course.

Or, what if you only have one safe place for a tree to land, and it must cross the city property? What if you need to remove the tree by cutting it into smaller pieces? What if you forgot there were power lines in the way of the falling tree?

Without expert measurements, you could make a mistake in how much space you need for the tree to land in open space. Even a couple of feet of a falling tree can do significant damage to a home, like breaking windows or roof shingles. A couple of feet, even the tip of a tree, can kill a person.

Hire professional tree removers, like one of us here at Design Tree Maintenance, to help you. We know you can do it on your own, but you don’t have to. We can help you get the removal done without any accidents.

The Right Tools for the Job

Removing a tree requires multiple tools to safely complete the job. And different devices may be needed for different types of trees. Arizona licensed tree removers have this knowledge, and they already have the right equipment.

You don’t have to spend money on a tool you may only use once. You won’t have to buy rope, harnesses, wedges, chainsaws, pruners, safety helmets, gloves, and any other materials necessary.

Finishing the Job

Removing the tree is the easy part. What comes after that can seem tedious but is just as necessary to ensure safety for you and your home. Like, what to do with the tree once it’s down.

Professional tree removers know how to haul away a tree and where to take it.

Other post-removal chores the experts can do for you include removing certain roots, so termites aren’t attracted to them, and then to your home. They also know which roots should stay to prevent soil fluctuation under your home.

Finally, the experts will work until the job is finished. It is quite natural for a homeowner to start a project, like removing a tree, only to get interrupted by life. The tree project gets put on hold, and before you know it, a year goes by, and you still have half a tree close to your house. Working with arborists in your Phoenix neighborhood means the job will get done efficiently. And they can give you a complete estimate on both time and costs before you hire them. So, reach out today for help removing the tree close to your home.

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